Hi! I'm Lisa Brown

I’m a writer.

Digital Coherence:
SEO and Content Strategy for Business Growth in the Era of AI

Digital Coherence is the roadmap you need to build a streamlined, unified online presence that works for your business, not against it.

Digital Coherence:</p>
<p>SEO and Content Strategy for Business Growth in the Era of AI

The Murder Dots Trilogy, a Techno-Thriller

She never planned to become an assassin but that was before the murder dots.

Sasha’s father murdered her mother. So Sasha killed him. Marked forever with trackable ink, murder dots seemed like an easy trade for vengeance.

When things go wrong with her boyfriend, Sasha goes from starting her life over to becoming an assassin for the Sword.

Secret societies and corporate intrigue put Sasha at the center of the fight to roll out an invasive tracking technology.

Faced with an impossible choice, how many will she kill?

murder dots series
Vengeance - Murder Dots Book 1

It’s a Blog, Words, etc.

A collection of thoughts on writing, writer life and other randomness.

I also write about writing as an indie writer. Check out the AuthorWell.

When Copy and Paste Isn’t a Business Strategy

When Copy and Paste Isn’t a Business Strategy

All right kiddies, settle down, I’m going to tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a business owner. This business owner had a website and spent lots of time and effort crafting the words she placed there. She spent time and effort because she cared for her...

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Abandonment is a Strong Word

Abandonment is a Strong Word

This is a bit of a different type of post. It was spurred by an email. Sort of a rant and also a moment where I realized I have let it go and I'm content with my decision. I also learned the other party is still nuturing some negativity. As the image says: Not my...

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One Reason I’m Burned Out

One Reason I’m Burned Out

This morning, first thing, I had a phone call from a client. This client is a hosting only client, we haven’t worked with them in any other capacity. They purchased their site and business from a previous client we used to do development work for, when we created...

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