Hi! I'm Lisa Brown

I’m a writer.

The Murder Dots Trilogy, a Techno-Thriller

She never planned to become an assassin but that was before the murder dots.

Sasha’s father murdered her mother. So Sasha killed him. Marked forever with trackable ink, murder dots seemed like an easy trade for vengeance.

When things go wrong with her boyfriend, Sasha goes from starting her life over to becoming an assassin for the Sword.

Secret societies and corporate intrigue put Sasha at the center of the fight to roll out an invasive tracking technology.

Faced with an impossible choice, how many will she kill?

murder dots series

Be the First to Read
the Murder Dots Trilogy: Out Now

Vengeance - Murder Dots Book 1

It’s a Blog, Words, etc.

A collection of thoughts on writing, writer life and other randomness.

I also write about writing as an indie writer. Check out the AuthorWell.

A Thankful Thanksgiving

I'm sitting here a few days before Thanksgiving thinking about 2009 and the things I have to be thankful for. You know - it's a lot. My husband is wonderful - 20 years and we still feel newlywed. I've got 2 great kids. I've even spent a fair amount of time at the...

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Becoming an Expert

My son taught me something this last weekend at the beach. I watched him become an expert and I was struck by how simple it really is and the lesson was taught by a 12 year old. First let's define expert. Expert: A person with a high degree of skill in or knowledge of...

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why bunltd?

This is a question that comes up quite a bit: It's short for B. Unlimited (think "Be Unlimited", "B" for Brown, you get the idea) - it's one of the first domains I registered. Back in the day, short domains were considered to be much better than long domains, thus the...

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